Do I have to pay to park?
No! Parking is free and is available at the visitor lot of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception as well as other parking lots at CUA. See map for details.
Can I take Metro to #wydDC?
Good news! The Red Line is running on normal schedule on July 30. Note that Metro closes at Midnight. Please check times for the last train before the end of the Marie Miller concert.
What time can I register or check-in?
Normal registration and check-in is from 11:30am-1:00pm in the Pryzbyla Center at Catholic University. We ask that everyone arrive during that time. All participants are asked to register ahead of time though at-the-door registration will be available for $30. Late registration will be available in the Pryzbyla Center until 5pm.
Do I sign up for catechesis talks ahead of time?
No. Participants can decide from more than a handful of concurrent options for catechesis talks. See our full list of speakers and topics at wydDC.org/speakers. Options for adoration and confession will also be available during catechesis times at the Dominican House of Studies and St. John Paul II Shrine.
See Camping FAQs here.
Is #wydDC event bi-lingual?
Yes! We have two different options for catechesis talks in Spanish. Additionally, opening prayer, Mass, etc. are bilingual and Spanish text will be provided when something is spoken in English.
What should I bring to #wydDC?
Consider bringing a small backpack with hat, sunscreen, sunglasses, etc. All participants will be given pilgrim bags including an event guide, water bottle, rosary, prayer resources, and other SWAG. Participants are reminded that they will need to carry with them whatever they bring.
What should I leave at home?
You will not need to bring water bottles (provided), lawn chairs, or other large items. Remember that anything you bring you need to carry with you the whole day.
Can I bring my kids?
Yes! Nursing children of young adult parents and small toddlers are welcome to join! Parents must be responsible for their children at all times and are reminded that there are no activities or meal options for kids.
Does the Vigil Mass fulfill my Sunday obligation?
Yes! Cardinal Wuerl and the Papal Nuncio are celebrating a Vigil Mass on Saturday night that fulfills the Sunday obligation.
Is Lunch available?
Yes! While lunch is not included in the cost of the day an optional lunch is available at the registration area in the Pryzbyla Center of Catholic University for $10.
What if I have dietary restrictions?
Individuals with a gluten intolerance are able to eat our polish sausage (low gluten) and salad. Vegetarians will be able to eat salad and meat-free pierogis.
Will there be alcohol at #wydDC?
Krakow in the Capital is a dry event, however, there are a number of restaurants across the street from Catholic University for those who are 21+ including Brookland Pint.
Is the event accessible for participants with disabilities?
Yes, the event is fully accessible! As construction is going on both at the National Shrine and Catholic University please be careful and note that some alternative handicapped accessible routes will be clearly marked. We ask you to please follow the signage for your safely.
What should we do in a medical emergency?
During the event if there is a medical emergency please call CUA Department of Public Service: 202-319-5111.