A pilgrimage is a journey taken to a holy place, both spiritually and physically. It’s an experience of God’s grace that not only affects our relationship with Him, but also our relationship with others; building up the Body of Christ.
Those who are making the pilgrimage to World Youth Day 2016, both internationally and at stateside celebrations, bring the prayers of the faithful with them. They carry our prayers and our communities with them on their journey and when they return their witness and experience will enrich us all.
Just as our pilgrims carry us with them on their journey, we also carry them in our prayers.
Here, we invite you to submit both prayers for our pilgrims, and prayers for our pilgrims to carry with them throughout World Youth Day.
Prayer Intentions
Bernadette Smith | July 30, 2016
My family’s safety, my faith and papa’s faith, the end of abortion and euthanasia, world peace and that the next president follows the laws and God’s laws, the Holy Souls in Purgatory, my family that we come to know and love each other better and get along.
Gladys Murillo | July 30, 2016
For the young people that they can feel and live the mercy from God in their hearts. That they can understand how Jesus loves them! For my family intentions. For this beautiful nation and for all the people that we live in USA that we can enjoy the merciful from Jesus and Mary. Mary please protect the children, the young people, the new generations from the atheistm. Protect our faith. For wisdom in all American people to elect the new president. Peace in the world. Protect us from the devil and our enemies.
Evelyn Xu | July 30, 2016
For all my family to be healthy and safe from any harm and for Tyler Schirf to have healing from all his health problems and to be protected from any harm that they may cause him. Please take it all away from him and help him heal and be happy.
Sarah Strenio | July 30, 2016
For a safe pregnancy and delivery for my sister & her baby.
Ann | July 30, 2016
For the conversion of fear and hatred to love and forgiveness of all who walk in darkness- may our Lord’s light shine in the hearts and faces of the people of the world celebrating WYD here and in Poland- bringing about this conversion.
Anna Kajkowska | July 30, 2016
For all my family members to find healing and peace in their heart, for understanding and to be understood.
For myself to be a peace maker.
Anonymous | July 29, 2016
For the intentions of Pope Francis.
Anonymous | July 29, 2016
For a Financial miracle for my family and our home. And for all those who may be suffering from financial difficulties and risk loosing their home. Please help me attain a job where I can give and receive happiness by my preparation, knowledge and experience, a position where I can financially be able to give to my family and others.
Tanya Siletsky | July 29, 2016
That Elizabeth Godzieba Tennerelli be healed from pancreatic cancer. Please give her hope and strength as she battles this horrific disease.
Laura Greey | July 29, 2016
For a complete healing from Cancer.
For all the pilgrims of WYD and all young adults to come to a personal knowledge of God and His immense love for them.
For all in this world being persecuted for their religious beliefs to receive consolation and grace from God and their freedom.
Celine | July 29, 2016
For two friends who are suffering greatly, that the Lord bring them peace and healing.
The Catholic Apostolate Center | July 29, 2016
Join the Catholic Apostolate Center in praying for all pilgrims, whether they be in Krakow, international, or within our local communities. We pray that World Youth Day be a catalyst for conversion and missionary discipleship within our Church today. We are all pilgrims on the journey towards Christ. May we be aware of the universal call to holiness, share our encounter with Jesus Christ, and spread the joy of the Gospel. May we take our mountaintop experiences and share our faith with the world!
Anonymous | July 29, 2016
For the souls in purgatory, especially my husband and priests and religious and for my children, grandchildren and godchildren’s increase in faith and fervor.
Christine | July 29, 2016
Kidney for Mike.
Healing for my serious foot injury.
Elizabeth | July 29, 2016
For all those who suffer from anxiety.
Mary O’Meara | July 29, 2016
Praying along with all our International Pilgrims who are Deaf or have a disability that they will know the GIFTS they bring to our Universal Church!
Jonathan Lewis | July 29, 2016
For the health and vitality of Pope Francis, Cardinal Wuerl and all of our local pastors. Through their servant leadership may young adults always be invited and welcomed into participation and leadership in our church.
Brendan Gotta | July 29, 2016
For all those who struggle with homosexual desires. For the conversion of my family members and their partners. May they experience the transforming love of God in their hearts.
Maria Allen | July 29, 2016
For all those who struggle with homosexual desires. For the conversion of my family members and their partners. May they experience the transforming love of God in their hearts.
Lisa | July 29, 2016
For all the pilgrims coming to Krakow tomorrow, as well as those in Poland!
Emmanuel | July 28, 2016
I pray for God’s grace to be courageous in sharing my faith when the need arises, even if it will cost me losing friends and being alone. It is better to be alone with You Lord than to conceal the truth from those I love.
Barbara Conner | July 28, 2016
Please pray for my grandson Christian. He has severe autism and non verbal. We pray and wish he can speak one day. Thank you.
Cherry A Gambol | July 28, 2016
For good health and enough provisions for old age and share with others.
For church and civil leaders to work for peace.
For our young people to grow in faith.
Judie Kolloen | July 27, 2016
Special prayers for my cousin, that everything turns out in her favor & she is released from every problem, physical, mental, financial, past hurt & her life receives a miracle turn around.
Caterina | July 27, 2016
For my personal path, may God enlight my feet and guide me.
Megan Murnane-Craven | July 27, 2016
Please pray for the Murnane family. The safety of my children, Matthew, Clare, and Colleen. And that God blesses me with a job.
Mark Hammett | July 27, 2016
-favorable/appropriate weather on January 27, 2017 for the March for Life in Washington D.C.
-Peace in our country and all of our world
-a cure and an end to Autism
Anonymous | July 27, 2016
For the pilgrims in Poland and throughout the world, may this World Youth Day bring God glory.
Pope Francis | July 5, 2016
Universal: Indigenous Peoples
That indigenous peoples, whose identity and very existence are threatened, will be shown due respect.
Pope Francis | July 5, 2016
Evangelization: Latin America and the Caribbean
That the Church in Latin America and the Caribbean, by means of her mission to the continent, may announce the Gospel with renewed vigor and enthusiasm.
Pope Francis | June 16, 2016
Universal: Human Solidarity
That the aged, marginalized, and those who have no one may find–even within the huge cities of the world–opportunities for encounter and solidarity.
Pope Francis | June 16, 2016
Evangelization: Seminarians and Novices
That seminarians and men and women entering religious life may have mentors who live the joy of the Gospel and prepare them wisely for their mission.
Isabel | May 22, 2016
Lord, I am suffering in lack of faith, feel discourage & inconfident to go through the WYD, i wish to be changed, but i am so afraid to go through all the pain and suffer, im afraid of stepping out my comfort zone, im afraid of taking long flights, afraid of getting sick. As the days get closer, i feel like giving up, so many negatives thoughts are discouraging me, i always suffer all these throughout the years, i really need you Lord, please take away my hesitations and give me strength and courage to go through. And as well as for my husband, Kevin, he is newly baptised, i wish he can be blessed and be strengthen through this WYD. Please pray for us. Thank you. God bless you.
Mary | May 22, 2016
For my father’s soul – that God has granted him eternal peace. Thank you, and all those making the pilgrimage for World Youth Day will be in my prayers as well. Hope it will be a blessed and enriching and fun experience!
That this is called a prayer wall reminds me of the “Wailing Wall” in Israel, where pilgrims write a prayer and insert the scroll into the wall.
Tracey | May 21, 2016
Prayers for a return of my children to the faith. Prayers for all those pilgrims traveling to World Youth Day.
Anonymous | May 21, 2016
We pray for young people who feel lost and hopeless. May they experience God’s mercy and find comfort in His embrace.
Anonymous | May 21, 2016
I pray that the Lord will look kindly upon all those who suffer and find life burdensome.
Anonymous | May 21, 2016
Lord, I pray in thanksgiving for the many ways you have blessed my life. Help my response to be one of generosity.